Bestowal Dialogue
'<name>! I am glad you have come with such haste, for these troubles weigh heavily upon me and I do not know how they may be o'erthrown! It is my uncle's choice to ride to Minas Tirith, and thereby satisfy the vows of his forefathers, but why should he not ride for Gondor with every sword he can command, either by oath or love? It is folly to allow proven warriors to abandon my uncle's course, lest it be doomed by their absence!
'And yet, in the early hours, Aragorn and his kinsmen departed Dunharrow for the Paths of the Dead! He spoke of need, but I can see no need on that road, save that of a yawning tomb that hopes to be filled. The dead men of Dunharrow do not suffer the living to pass.
'Several of the Men saw him go, and speak words of despair. Find these Men and set their minds aright, if you can. And when you return, do the same for me, <name>! I do not think you can, but I must wear a brave face for the Men and will not give in to sorrow, for their sake.'
Éowyn has called you to Dunharrow, where the muster of the Rohirrim is well underway. Troubles weigh heavily upon her brow, especially concerning your mutual friend Aragorn and a decision he has made of late.
Objective 1
- Talk to Darláf at the south-east road
- Talk to Bosa at the eastern campfire
- Talk to Sídrac by the encampment's supplier
Darláf, Sídrac, and Bosa can be found at the encampment in Dunharrow, south of Éowyn's position.
Éowyn has asked you to comfort some of the Men at the encampment in Dunharrow, for they heard of Aragorn's departure and have begun to question the wisdom of Théoden's ride to Minas Tirith.
- Darláf: 'That black peak is the Dwimorberg, the Haunted Mountain. It has a fell reputation.'
- '<name>': 'Where are you from, Darláf?'
- Darláf: 'I doubt you have ever been there, friend, but I thank you for the chance to think for a moment of home. My family lives in a small village to the east and north of here, a journey of many miles. Floodwend, it is called. If it has any claim on remembrance, it would be Eorl's Hallow, which is nearby, but for me it will always be my home and hearth.'
- '<name>': 'Pleasant.'
- '<name>': 'Tell me about the Dwimorberg.'
- Darláf: 'I would sooner tell you of it than go there myself, save at the King's command. It is called the Haunted Mountain, and it is said that Dead Men of ancient times live there still, crying out for vengeance upon those who still draw the breath of the living. None can pass that way.
- 'A dead man could walk the paths beneath the mountain and come out into the moonlight of the Blackroot Vale, in Gondor. But that is said only by fools or braggarts, and not by honest folk.'
- '<name>': 'Dangerous.'
- '<name>': 'What do you know about Gondor?'
- Darláf: 'I know that Théoden King plans to gather many thousands of sword and spear, and then to ride for Minas Tirith in satisfaction of ancient bonds of loyalty and friendship. Our two kingdoms have long been allies, since the days of Eorl, and we will stand together against our enemies.
- 'I am afraid that is the extent of my knowledge. I have never travelled in Gondor.'
- '<name>': 'Until now.'
- Darláf: 'This road leads to the Dwimorberg, friend. Why would anyone go to that Haunted Mountain, or tread the paths beneath it? That is not bravery! Only folly could lead my feet there.'
- You assure Darláf that Aragorn considers his reasons for braving that road sufficient, but the soldier shakes his head.
- 'I hope he is not wrong, <name>. It seems a great shame to allow a skilled warrior to disappear into such a place when we could use his talents elsewhere, at other battles.'
- Darláf shakes his head, but his mood is improved
- Bosa: 'The Orc that gave me this wound has taken away my chance for further glory, the villain!'
- '<name>': 'Where are you from, Bosa?'
- Bosa: 'I am Bosa, and I make my home in Edoras. I have been in the service of Théoden King for many years, summer and winter alike. I have worn this armour proudly for all that time, but never so proudly as at the Battle of the Hornburg, where I stood at the side of my countrymen in defence of the keep. And afterward I rode throughout the Mark, bearing the King's summons for the weapontake.
- 'It was on my return that I received this injury, and now the King has decided I am not well-enough to ride with him to Gondor.'
- '<name>': 'I am sorry.'
- '<name>': 'What can you tell me about Éowyn?'
- Bosa: 'She is her brother's match in her love for Rohan and in her skill at arms, but Éomer is permitted to ride in this war and she is not. She has my sympathies, for with this injury I too have been cast aside by those I wish only to protect.'
- '<name>': 'It is not easy.'
- '<name>': 'Are you going to be all right?'
- Bosa: 'These injuries make it difficult to ride a horse; I made it the rest of the way only through the careful guidance and measured gait of my steed, and could not hope to fight at the end of the journey. This makes me merely a burden on the ride to Gondor, but a tremendous weakness in the line upon our arrival. My presence would harm the King more than my absence.
- 'My body will heal, in time, but it is my mind that will hurt longest, if I cannot fight for my King when he goes forth to Gondor.'
- '<name>': 'It is wise.'
- Bosa: 'Men are still arriving at Dunharrow from all corners of the Mark, but I do not think it will be enough. I rode forth from the Hornburg, as my King commanded, and most hamlets and villages responded to his call with clear voices and proud hearts, but this day I see few of those who spoke the loudest.
- 'On my return from Forlaw, in Wildermore, I was beset by an Orc raiding party. The injuries I sustained will keep me from riding in my King's train, to my frustration and disappointment! Swords and spears need men to wield them, and that resource is in short supply. I say 'men,' but the blood of Théoden King's niece Éowyn burns for Rohan, and she would fight bravely for the kingdom, were it permitted.
- 'Alas, it is not so, and the both of us will be kept from doing what we desire, for I am a man injured and she a woman unwounded. Unhappy fortunes!'
- Bosa remains dissatisfied that his injury will keep him from war
- Sídrac: 'I rode straight from Edoras. The memory of what I saw there chills my bones!'
- '<name>': 'Tell me about yourself.'
- Sídrac: 'My name is Sídrac, and I am a man of the Westfold. I have long served Erkenbrand, and have ridden with him on many campaigns. I rejoice that the Eorlingas will soon ride for Gondor, but I expected more soldiers to arrive by now.'
- '<name>': 'It is true.'
- '<name>': 'What did you see at Edoras?'
- Sídrac: 'Two days past, I was at Edoras for the weapontake as Théoden King commanded. Some few men had already arrived when a great winged shadow flew over Edoras and swooped low upon the very roof of Meduseld! The bravest men I have ever known were frozen in fear at the sound of its terrible call.
- 'The shadow departed after that, but Gandalf knew it was not safe to gather at Edoras, and he counselled us to hurry at once to Dunharrow.'
- '<name>': 'It is not safe.'
- '<name>': 'What can you tell me about Gondor?'
- Sídrac: 'I have only been to Gondor once, when I was very young, but the memory remains very strong with me to this day. My father took a cart with some trade goods along the Great West Road into Anórien, but on this occasion he allowed me and my brothers to come along. I remember standing at a parapet in the White City, listening to the banners snapping in the wind.
- 'I always expected to see Minas Tirith again, but it never happened. Now it seems I will see the White City once again, after all.'
- '<name>': 'But in war.'
- Sídrac: 'The grim northerners departed Dunharrow at first light, and did not stay to explain their course. I would think them cowardly had I not seen the road they took: south, along the Dimholt road. That way lies death.'
- You explain that Aragorn had his reasons for taking such a road, but Sídrac waves away your words.
- 'I do not doubt he had reasons, friend, but it is clear his loyalty is not to Théoden King. We will have need of every man if we are to ride to Minas Tirith, as my King commands, and I see we are cheated of a powerful fighting force by Aragorn's choice. I count the chances of our success against the Enemy less and less with each sword he takes with him into the mountain. I saw the winged beast over Edoras. I know what dangers we face.'
- Sídrac believes the fighting strength of Rohan is insufficient to aid Gondor
Objective 2
Éowyn is at the muster of the Rohirrim, at Dunharrow.
You have spoken with some worried soldiers of the camp, and should return now to Éowyn.
- Radwine: 'It was just a game! I did not think he would go inside! S'truth!'
- Éowyn: 'We are plagued with ill fortune, <name>! An encampment of this size is bound to attract the attention of children and others who live near, that much I expected. But I did not expect even children to act in such reckless, foolhardy fashion!
- 'This boy tells me one of his friends, Elfdag, may have followed Aragorn into the Paths of the Dead! I thought it the mere boast of a child, but none have seen Elfdag today. I dispatched a number of men to find him, but they too have not returned.'
- 'Elfdag is the grandson of Elfhelm, <name>. We cannot have lost him in this fashion!'
Objective 3
Radwine is speaking to Éowyn at the camp in Dunharrow.
- Éowyn: 'Troubles follow us like a storm-cloud, <name>! Speak to Radwine and tell me they do not!'
- Radwine: 'I did not mean for it to go so far! We watched the men ride to the mountain in the morning, and then Elfdag challenged me to follow them, and I did the same to him, and before you could say 'Helm Hammerhand' we were right up to the Dark Door.
- 'I returned to the camp after that, and I thought he followed at my heels... but now he is gone, and no one has seen him!'